Interface Role

All Known Subinterfaces:
AlertdialogRole, AlertRole, ApplicationRole, ArticleRole, BannerRole, ButtonRole, CheckboxRole, ColumnheaderRole, ComboboxRole, CommandRole, ComplementaryRole, CompositeRole, ContentinfoRole, DefinitionRole, DialogRole, DirectoryRole, DocumentRole, FormRole, GridcellRole, GridRole, GroupRole, HeadingRole, ImgRole, InputRole, LandmarkRole, LinkRole, ListboxRole, ListitemRole, ListRole, LogRole, MainRole, MarqueeRole, MathRole, MenubarRole, MenuitemcheckboxRole, MenuitemradioRole, MenuitemRole, MenuRole, NavigationRole, NoteRole, OptionRole, PresentationRole, ProgressbarRole, RadiogroupRole, RadioRole, RangeRole, RegionRole, RowgroupRole, RowheaderRole, RowRole, ScrollbarRole, SearchRole, SectionheadRole, SectionRole, SelectRole, SeparatorRole, SliderRole, SpinbuttonRole, StatusRole, StructureRole, TablistRole, TabpanelRole, TabRole, TextboxRole, TimerRole, ToolbarRole, TooltipRole, TreegridRole, TreeitemRole, TreeRole, WidgetRole, WindowRole
All Known Implementing Classes:
AlertdialogRoleImpl, AlertRoleImpl, ApplicationRoleImpl, ArticleRoleImpl, BannerRoleImpl, ButtonRoleImpl, CheckboxRoleImpl, ColumnheaderRoleImpl, ComboboxRoleImpl, ComplementaryRoleImpl, ContentinfoRoleImpl, DefinitionRoleImpl, DialogRoleImpl, DirectoryRoleImpl, DocumentRoleImpl, FormRoleImpl, GridcellRoleImpl, GridRoleImpl, GroupRoleImpl, HeadingRoleImpl, ImgRoleImpl, LinkRoleImpl, ListboxRoleImpl, ListitemRoleImpl, ListRoleImpl, LogRoleImpl, MainRoleImpl, MarqueeRoleImpl, MathRoleImpl, MenubarRoleImpl, MenuitemcheckboxRoleImpl, MenuitemradioRoleImpl, MenuitemRoleImpl, MenuRoleImpl, NavigationRoleImpl, NoteRoleImpl, OptionRoleImpl, PresentationRoleImpl, ProgressbarRoleImpl, RadiogroupRoleImpl, RadioRoleImpl, RegionRoleImpl, RoleImpl, RowgroupRoleImpl, RowheaderRoleImpl, RowRoleImpl, ScrollbarRoleImpl, SearchRoleImpl, SeparatorRoleImpl, SliderRoleImpl, SpinbuttonRoleImpl, StatusRoleImpl, TablistRoleImpl, TabpanelRoleImpl, TabRoleImpl, TextboxRoleImpl, TimerRoleImpl, ToolbarRoleImpl, TooltipRoleImpl, TreegridRoleImpl, TreeitemRoleImpl, TreeRoleImpl

public interface Role
A generic ARIA Role. This interface defines generic methods for setting, getting, and removing attributes on DOM Elements so that they can be identified by screen readers. Subtypes define methods for specific roles.

The ARIA specification defines a hierarchy of roles, which is mirrored here as a hierarchy of Java interfaces. Some roles are abstract and define methods that are common to their children. Only concrete roles (available via methods in Roles) should be used to modify HTML elements.

For more details, see The Roles Model in the ARIA specification.

  • Method Details

    • getAriaAtomicProperty

      String getAriaAtomicProperty(Element element)
      Returns the value of the aria-atomic attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.
    • getAriaBusyState

      String getAriaBusyState(Element element)
      Returns the value of the aria-busy attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.
    • getAriaControlsProperty

      String getAriaControlsProperty(Element element)
      Returns the value of the aria-controls attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.
    • getAriaDescribedbyProperty

      String getAriaDescribedbyProperty(Element element)
      Returns the value of the aria-describedby attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.
    • getAriaDisabledState

      String getAriaDisabledState(Element element)
      Returns the value of the aria-disabled attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.
    • getAriaDropeffectProperty

      String getAriaDropeffectProperty(Element element)
      Returns the value of the aria-dropeffect attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.
    • getAriaFlowtoProperty

      String getAriaFlowtoProperty(Element element)
      Returns the value of the aria-flowto attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.
    • getAriaGrabbedState

      String getAriaGrabbedState(Element element)
      Returns the value of the aria-grabbed attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.
    • getAriaHaspopupProperty

      String getAriaHaspopupProperty(Element element)
      Returns the value of the aria-haspopup attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.
    • getAriaHiddenState

      String getAriaHiddenState(Element element)
      Returns the value of the aria-hidden attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.
    • getAriaInvalidState

      String getAriaInvalidState(Element element)
      Returns the value of the aria-invalid attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.
    • getAriaLabelledbyProperty

      String getAriaLabelledbyProperty(Element element)
      Returns the value of the aria-labelledby attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.
    • getAriaLabelProperty

      String getAriaLabelProperty(Element element)
      Returns the value of the aria-label attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.
    • getAriaLiveProperty

      String getAriaLiveProperty(Element element)
      Returns the value of the aria-live attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.
    • getAriaOwnsProperty

      String getAriaOwnsProperty(Element element)
      Returns the value of the aria-owns attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.
    • getAriaRelevantProperty

      String getAriaRelevantProperty(Element element)
      Returns the value of the aria-relevant attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.
    • getName

      String getName()
      Gets the ARIA 'role' attribute name as defined in the WAI-ARIA standard.
      See Also:
    • getTabindexExtraAttribute

      String getTabindexExtraAttribute(Element element)
      Returns the value of the tabIndex attribute for the element or "" if no such attribute is present.
    • remove

      void remove(Element element)
      Removes the 'role' attribute from the element.
      See Also:
    • removeAriaAtomicProperty

      void removeAriaAtomicProperty(Element element)
      Removes the aria-atomic attribute from the element.
    • removeAriaBusyState

      void removeAriaBusyState(Element element)
      Removes the aria-busy attribute from the element.
    • removeAriaControlsProperty

      void removeAriaControlsProperty(Element element)
      Removes the aria-controls attribute from the element.
    • removeAriaDescribedbyProperty

      void removeAriaDescribedbyProperty(Element element)
      Removes the aria-describedby attribute from the element.
    • removeAriaDisabledState

      void removeAriaDisabledState(Element element)
      Removes the aria-disabled attribute from the element.
    • removeAriaDropeffectProperty

      void removeAriaDropeffectProperty(Element element)
      Removes the aria-dropeffect attribute from the element.
    • removeAriaFlowtoProperty

      void removeAriaFlowtoProperty(Element element)
      Removes the aria-flowto attribute from the element.
    • removeAriaGrabbedState

      void removeAriaGrabbedState(Element element)
      Removes the aria-grabbed attribute from the element.
    • removeAriaHaspopupProperty

      void removeAriaHaspopupProperty(Element element)
      Removes the aria-haspopup attribute from the element.
    • removeAriaHiddenState

      void removeAriaHiddenState(Element element)
      Removes the aria-hidden attribute from the element.
    • removeAriaInvalidState

      void removeAriaInvalidState(Element element)
      Removes the aria-invalid attribute from the element.
    • removeAriaLabelledbyProperty

      void removeAriaLabelledbyProperty(Element element)
      Removes the aria-labelledby attribute from the element.
    • removeAriaLabelProperty

      void removeAriaLabelProperty(Element element)
      Removes the aria-label attribute from the element.
    • removeAriaLiveProperty

      void removeAriaLiveProperty(Element element)
      Removes the aria-live attribute from the element.
    • removeAriaOwnsProperty

      void removeAriaOwnsProperty(Element element)
      Removes the aria-owns attribute from the element.
    • removeAriaRelevantProperty

      void removeAriaRelevantProperty(Element element)
      Removes the aria-relevant attribute from the element.
    • removeTabindexExtraAttribute

      void removeTabindexExtraAttribute(Element element)
      Removes the tabIndex attribute from the element.
    • set

      void set(Element element)
      Sets the 'role' attribute of the given element to the appropriate value for this role.
      See Also:
    • setAriaAtomicProperty

      void setAriaAtomicProperty(Element element, boolean value)
      Sets the aria-atomic attribute for the element to the given value.
    • setAriaBusyState

      void setAriaBusyState(Element element, boolean value)
      Sets the aria-busy attribute for the element to the given value.
    • setAriaControlsProperty

      void setAriaControlsProperty(Element element, Id... value)
      Sets the aria-controls attribute for the element to the given value.
    • setAriaDescribedbyProperty

      void setAriaDescribedbyProperty(Element element, Id... value)
      Sets the aria-describedby attribute for the element to the given value.
    • setAriaDisabledState

      void setAriaDisabledState(Element element, boolean value)
      Sets the aria-disabled attribute for the element to the given value.
    • setAriaDropeffectProperty

      void setAriaDropeffectProperty(Element element, DropeffectValue... value)
      Sets the aria-dropeffect attribute for the element to the given value.
    • setAriaFlowtoProperty

      void setAriaFlowtoProperty(Element element, Id... value)
      Sets the aria-flowto attribute for the element to the given value.
    • setAriaGrabbedState

      void setAriaGrabbedState(Element element, GrabbedValue value)
      Sets the aria-grabbed attribute for the element to the given value.
    • setAriaHaspopupProperty

      void setAriaHaspopupProperty(Element element, boolean value)
      Sets the aria-haspopup attribute for the element to the given value.
    • setAriaHiddenState

      void setAriaHiddenState(Element element, boolean value)
      Sets the aria-hidden attribute for the element to the given value.
    • setAriaInvalidState

      void setAriaInvalidState(Element element, InvalidValue value)
      Sets the aria-invalid attribute for the element to the given value.
    • setAriaLabelledbyProperty

      void setAriaLabelledbyProperty(Element element, Id... value)
      Sets the aria-labelledby attribute for the element to the given value.
    • setAriaLabelProperty

      void setAriaLabelProperty(Element element, String value)
      Sets the aria-label attribute for the element to the given value.
    • setAriaLiveProperty

      void setAriaLiveProperty(Element element, LiveValue value)
      Sets the aria-live attribute for the element to the given value.
    • setAriaOwnsProperty

      void setAriaOwnsProperty(Element element, Id... value)
      Sets the aria-owns attribute for the element to the given value.
    • setAriaRelevantProperty

      void setAriaRelevantProperty(Element element, RelevantValue... value)
      Sets the aria-relevant attribute for the element to the given value.
    • setTabindexExtraAttribute

      void setTabindexExtraAttribute(Element element, int value)
      Sets the tabIndex attribute for the element to the given value.