Class AbstractHasData<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the data type of each row
All Implemented Interfaces:
HasAttachHandlers, HasHandlers, HasKeyboardPagingPolicy, HasKeyboardSelectionPolicy, EventListener, Focusable, HasVisibility, IsRenderable, IsWidget, HasCellPreviewHandlers<T>, HasData<T>, HasKeyProvider<T>, HasRows
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractCellTable, CellList

public abstract class AbstractHasData<T> extends Composite implements HasData<T>, HasKeyProvider<T>, Focusable, HasKeyboardPagingPolicy
An abstract Widget that implements HasData.
  • Field Details

    • isFocused

      boolean isFocused
      A boolean indicating that the widget has focus.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractHasData

      public AbstractHasData(Element elem, int pageSize, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
      Constructs an AbstractHasData with the given page size.
      elem - the parent Element
      pageSize - the page size
      keyProvider - the key provider, or null
    • AbstractHasData

      public AbstractHasData(Widget widget, int pageSize, ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider)
      Constructs an AbstractHasData with the given page size.
      widget - the parent Widget
      pageSize - the page size
      keyProvider - the key provider, or null
  • Method Details

    • convertToElements

      static Element convertToElements(Widget widget, Element tmpElem, SafeHtml html)
      Convenience method to convert the specified HTML into DOM elements and return the parent of the DOM elements.
      html - the HTML to convert
      tmpElem - a temporary element
      the parent element
    • replaceAllChildren

      static void replaceAllChildren(Widget widget, Element childContainer, SafeHtml html)
      Convenience method to replace all children of a Widget.
      widget - the widget who's contents will be replaced
      childContainer - the container that holds the contents
      html - the html to set
    • replaceChildren

      static void replaceChildren(Widget widget, Element childContainer, Element newChildren, int start, SafeHtml html)
      Convenience method to convert the specified HTML into DOM elements and replace the existing elements starting at the specified index. If the number of children specified exceeds the existing number of children, the remaining children should be appended.
      widget - the widget who's contents will be replaced
      childContainer - the container that holds the contents
      newChildren - an element containing the new children
      start - the start index to replace
      html - the HTML to convert
    • addCellPreviewHandler

      public HandlerRegistration addCellPreviewHandler(CellPreviewEvent.Handler<T> handler)
      Description copied from interface: HasCellPreviewHandlers
      Adds a CellPreviewEvent handler.
      Specified by:
      addCellPreviewHandler in interface HasCellPreviewHandlers<T>
      handler - the handler
      the registration for the event
    • addLoadingStateChangeHandler

      public HandlerRegistration addLoadingStateChangeHandler(LoadingStateChangeEvent.Handler handler)
      Add a LoadingStateChangeEvent.Handler to be notified of changes in the loading state.
      handler - the handle
      the registration for the handler
    • addRangeChangeHandler

      public HandlerRegistration addRangeChangeHandler(RangeChangeEvent.Handler handler)
      Description copied from interface: HasRows
      Specified by:
      addRangeChangeHandler in interface HasRows
      handler - the handler
      a HandlerRegistration to remove the handler
    • addRowCountChangeHandler

      public HandlerRegistration addRowCountChangeHandler(RowCountChangeEvent.Handler handler)
      Description copied from interface: HasRows
      Specified by:
      addRowCountChangeHandler in interface HasRows
      handler - the handler
      a HandlerRegistration to remove the handler
    • addRedrawHandler

      public HandlerRegistration addRedrawHandler(AbstractHasData.RedrawEvent.Handler handler)
      Adds the given handler as a callback that is notified of events of type AbstractHasData.RedrawEvent.
    • getAccessKey

      public char getAccessKey()
      Get the access key.
      the access key, or -1 if not set
      See Also:
    • getDisplayedItem

      @Deprecated public T getDisplayedItem(int indexOnPage)
      Get the row value at the specified visible index. Index 0 corresponds to the first item on the page.
      indexOnPage - the index on the page
      the row value
    • getDisplayedItems

      @Deprecated public List<T> getDisplayedItems()
      use getVisibleItems() instead
      Return the row values that the widget is currently displaying as an immutable list.
      a List of displayed items
    • getKeyboardPagingPolicy

      public HasKeyboardPagingPolicy.KeyboardPagingPolicy getKeyboardPagingPolicy()
      Description copied from interface: HasKeyboardPagingPolicy
      Specified by:
      getKeyboardPagingPolicy in interface HasKeyboardPagingPolicy
      the paging policy
      See Also:
    • getKeyboardSelectedRow

      public int getKeyboardSelectedRow()
      Get the index of the row that is currently selected via the keyboard, relative to the page start index.

      This is not same as the selected row in the SelectionModel. The keyboard selected row refers to the row that the user navigated to via the keyboard or mouse.

      the currently selected row, or -1 if none selected
    • getKeyboardSelectionPolicy

      public HasKeyboardSelectionPolicy.KeyboardSelectionPolicy getKeyboardSelectionPolicy()
      Description copied from interface: HasKeyboardSelectionPolicy
      Specified by:
      getKeyboardSelectionPolicy in interface HasKeyboardSelectionPolicy
      the selection policy
      See Also:
    • getKeyProvider

      public ProvidesKey<T> getKeyProvider()
      Description copied from interface: HasKeyProvider
      Return the key provider.
      Specified by:
      getKeyProvider in interface HasKeyProvider<T>
      the ProvidesKey instance
    • getPageSize

      public final int getPageSize()
      Return the range size.
      the size of the range as an int
      See Also:
    • getPageStart

      public final int getPageStart()
      Return the range start.
      the start of the range as an int
      See Also:
    • getRowContainer

      public Element getRowContainer()
      Return the outer element that contains all of the rendered row values. This method delegates to getChildContainer();
      the Element that contains the rendered row values
    • getRowCount

      public int getRowCount()
      Description copied from interface: HasRows
      Get the total count of all rows.
      Specified by:
      getRowCount in interface HasRows
      the total row count
      See Also:
    • getSelectionModel

      public SelectionModel<? super T> getSelectionModel()
      Description copied from interface: HasData
      Get the SelectionModel used by this HasData.
      Specified by:
      getSelectionModel in interface HasData<T>
      the SelectionModel
      See Also:
    • getTabIndex

      public int getTabIndex()
      Description copied from interface: Focusable
      Gets the widget's position in the tab index.
      Specified by:
      getTabIndex in interface Focusable
      the widget's tab index
    • getValueKey

      public Object getValueKey(T value)
      Get the key for the specified value. If a keyProvider is not specified or the value is null, the value is returned. If the key provider is specified, it is used to get the key from the value.
      value - the value
      the key
    • getVisibleItem

      public T getVisibleItem(int indexOnPage)
      Description copied from interface: HasData
      Get the row value at the specified visible index. Index 0 corresponds to the first item on the page.
      Specified by:
      getVisibleItem in interface HasData<T>
      indexOnPage - the index on the page
      the row value
    • getVisibleItemCount

      public int getVisibleItemCount()
      Description copied from interface: HasData
      Get the number of visible items being displayed. Note that this value might be less than the page size if there is not enough data to fill the page.
      Specified by:
      getVisibleItemCount in interface HasData<T>
      the number of visible items on the page
    • getVisibleItems

      public List<T> getVisibleItems()
      Return the row values that the widget is currently displaying as an immutable list.
      Specified by:
      getVisibleItems in interface HasData<T>
      a List of displayed items
    • getVisibleRange

      public Range getVisibleRange()
      Description copied from interface: HasRows
      Get the range of visible rows.
      Specified by:
      getVisibleRange in interface HasRows
      the visible range
      See Also:
    • isRowCountExact

      public boolean isRowCountExact()
      Description copied from interface: HasRows
      Check if the total row count is exact, or an estimate.
      Specified by:
      isRowCountExact in interface HasRows
      true if exact, false if an estimate
    • onBrowserEvent

      public final void onBrowserEvent(Event event)
      Handle browser events. Subclasses should override onBrowserEvent2(Event) if they want to extend browser event handling.
      Specified by:
      onBrowserEvent in interface EventListener
      onBrowserEvent in class Composite
      event - the event received
      See Also:
    • redraw

      public void redraw()
      Redraw the widget using the existing data.
    • redrawRow

      public void redrawRow(int absRowIndex)
      Redraw a single row using the existing data.
      absRowIndex - the absolute row index to redraw
    • setAccessKey

      public void setAccessKey(char key)
      Sets the widget's 'access key'. This key is used (in conjunction with a browser-specific modifier key) to automatically focus the widget.
      Specified by:
      setAccessKey in interface Focusable
      key - the widget's access key
      See Also:
    • setFocus

      public void setFocus(boolean focused)
      Description copied from interface: Focusable
      Explicitly focus/unfocus this widget. Only one widget can have focus at a time, and the widget that does will receive all keyboard events. NOTE: Most browsers fire FocusEvents asynchronously. Especially within GWT tests, you'll need to make your test asynchronous to properly do verifications. See GWTTestCase#delayTestFinish for more information on how to do this.
      Specified by:
      setFocus in interface Focusable
      focused - whether this widget should take focus or release it
    • setKeyboardPagingPolicy

      public void setKeyboardPagingPolicy(HasKeyboardPagingPolicy.KeyboardPagingPolicy policy)
      Description copied from interface: HasKeyboardPagingPolicy
      Specified by:
      setKeyboardPagingPolicy in interface HasKeyboardPagingPolicy
      policy - the paging policy
      See Also:
    • setKeyboardSelectedRow

      public final void setKeyboardSelectedRow(int row)
      Set the keyboard selected row. The row index is the index relative to the current page start index.

      If keyboard selection is disabled, this method does nothing.

      If the keyboard selected row is outside of the range of the current page (that is, less than 0 or greater than or equal to the page size), the page or range will be adjusted depending on the keyboard paging policy. If the keyboard paging policy is limited to the current range, the row index will be clipped to the current page.

      row - the row index relative to the page start
    • setKeyboardSelectedRow

      public void setKeyboardSelectedRow(int row, boolean stealFocus)
      Set the keyboard selected row and optionally focus on the new row.
      row - the row index relative to the page start
      stealFocus - true to focus on the new row
      See Also:
    • setKeyboardSelectionHandler

      public void setKeyboardSelectionHandler(CellPreviewEvent.Handler<T> keyboardSelectionReg)
      Set the handler that handles keyboard selection/navigation.
    • setKeyboardSelectionPolicy

      public void setKeyboardSelectionPolicy(HasKeyboardSelectionPolicy.KeyboardSelectionPolicy policy)
      Description copied from interface: HasKeyboardSelectionPolicy
      Specified by:
      setKeyboardSelectionPolicy in interface HasKeyboardSelectionPolicy
      policy - the selection policy
      See Also:
    • setPageSize

      public final void setPageSize(int pageSize)
      Set the number of rows per page and refresh the view.
      pageSize - the page size
      See Also:
    • setPageStart

      public final void setPageStart(int pageStart)
      Set the starting index of the current visible page. The actual page start will be clamped in the range [0, getSize() - 1].
      pageStart - the index of the row that should appear at the start of the page
      See Also:
    • setRowCount

      public final void setRowCount(int count)
      Description copied from interface: HasRows
      Set the exact total count of all rows. This method defers to HasRows.setRowCount(int, boolean).
      Specified by:
      setRowCount in interface HasRows
      count - the exact total count
      See Also:
    • setRowCount

      public void setRowCount(int size, boolean isExact)
      Description copied from interface: HasRows
      Set the total count of all rows, specifying whether the count is exact or an estimate.
      Specified by:
      setRowCount in interface HasRows
      size - the total count
      isExact - true if the count is exact, false if an estimate
      See Also:
    • setRowData

      public final void setRowData(List<? extends T> values)

      Set the complete list of values to display on one page.

      Equivalent to calling setRowCount(int) with the length of the list of values, setVisibleRange(Range) from 0 to the size of the list of values, and setRowData(int, List) with a start of 0 and the specified list of values.

      values -
    • setRowData

      public void setRowData(int start, List<? extends T> values)
      Description copied from interface: HasData

      Set a values associated with the rows in the visible range.

      This method does not replace all rows in the display; it replaces the row values starting at the specified start index through the length of the specified values. You must call HasRows.setRowCount(int) to set the total number of rows in the display. You should also use HasRows.setRowCount(int) to remove rows when the total number of rows decreases.

      Specified by:
      setRowData in interface HasData<T>
      start - the start index of the data
      values - the values within the range
    • setSelectionModel

      public void setSelectionModel(SelectionModel<? super T> selectionModel)
      Set the SelectionModel used by this HasData.

      By default, selection occurs when the user clicks on a Cell or presses the spacebar. If you need finer control over selection, you can specify a DefaultSelectionEventManager using setSelectionModel(SelectionModel, DefaultSelectionEventManager provides some default implementations to handle checkbox based selection, as well as a blacklist or whitelist of columns to prevent or allow selection.

      Specified by:
      setSelectionModel in interface HasData<T>
      selectionModel - the SelectionModel
      See Also:
    • setSelectionModel

      public void setSelectionModel(SelectionModel<? super T> selectionModel, CellPreviewEvent.Handler<T> selectionEventManager)
      Set the SelectionModel that defines which items are selected and the CellPreviewEvent.Handler that controls how user selection is handled.
      selectionModel - the SelectionModel that defines selection
      selectionEventManager - the handler that controls user selection
    • setTabIndex

      public void setTabIndex(int index)
      Description copied from interface: Focusable
      Sets the widget's position in the tab index. If more than one widget has the same tab index, each such widget will receive focus in an arbitrary order. Setting the tab index to -1 will cause this widget to be removed from the tab order.
      Specified by:
      setTabIndex in interface Focusable
      index - the widget's tab index
    • setVisibleRange

      public final void setVisibleRange(int start, int length)
      Description copied from interface: HasRows
      Set the visible range or rows. This method defers to HasRows.setVisibleRange(Range).
      Specified by:
      setVisibleRange in interface HasRows
      start - the start index
      length - the length
      See Also:
    • setVisibleRange

      public void setVisibleRange(Range range)
      Description copied from interface: HasRows
      Set the visible range or rows.
      Specified by:
      setVisibleRange in interface HasRows
      range - the visible range
      See Also:
    • setVisibleRangeAndClearData

      public void setVisibleRangeAndClearData(Range range, boolean forceRangeChangeEvent)
      Description copied from interface: HasData

      Set the visible range and clear the current visible data.

      If the second argument forceRangeChangeEvent is true, a RangeChangeEvent will be fired even if the range does not change. If false, a RangeChangeEvent will only be fired if the range changes.

      Specified by:
      setVisibleRangeAndClearData in interface HasData<T>
      range - the new Range
      forceRangeChangeEvent - true to fire a RangeChangeEvent even if the Range doesn't change
    • cellConsumesEventType

      protected boolean cellConsumesEventType(Cell<?> cell, String eventType)
      Check if a cell consumes the specified event type.
      cell - the cell
      eventType - the event type to check
      true if consumed, false if not
    • checkRowBounds

      protected void checkRowBounds(int row)
      Check that the row is within the correct bounds.
      row - row index to check
    • convertToElements

      protected Element convertToElements(SafeHtml html)
      Convert the specified HTML into DOM elements and return the parent of the DOM elements.
      html - the HTML to convert
      the parent element
    • dependsOnSelection

      protected abstract boolean dependsOnSelection()
      Check whether or not the cells in the view depend on the selection state.
      true if cells depend on selection, false if not
    • getChildContainer

      protected abstract Element getChildContainer()
      Return the element that holds the rendered cells.
      the container Element
    • getChildElement

      protected Element getChildElement(int index)
      Get the element that represents the specified index.
      index - the index of the row value
      the child element, or null if it does not exist
    • getKeyboardSelectedElement

      protected abstract Element getKeyboardSelectedElement()
      Get the element that has keyboard selection.
      the keyboard selected element
    • isKeyboardNavigationSuppressed

      protected abstract boolean isKeyboardNavigationSuppressed()
      Check if keyboard navigation is being suppressed, such as when the user is editing a cell.
      true if suppressed, false if not
    • isRowWithinBounds

      protected boolean isRowWithinBounds(int row)
      Checks that the row is within bounds of the view.
      row - row index to check
      true if within bounds, false if not
    • onBlur

      protected void onBlur()
      Called when the widget is blurred.
    • onBrowserEvent2

      protected void onBrowserEvent2(Event event)
      Called after onBrowserEvent(Event) completes.
      event - the event that was fired
    • onFocus

      protected void onFocus()
      Called when the widget is focused.
    • onLoadingStateChanged

      protected void onLoadingStateChanged(LoadingStateChangeEvent.LoadingState state)
      Called when the loading state changes. By default, this implementation fires a LoadingStateChangeEvent.
      state - the new loading state
    • onUnload

      protected void onUnload()
      Description copied from class: Widget
      This method is called immediately before a widget will be detached from the browser's document.
      onUnload in class Widget
    • renderRowValues

      protected abstract void renderRowValues(SafeHtmlBuilder sb, List<T> values, int start, SelectionModel<? super T> selectionModel) throws UnsupportedOperationException
      Render all row values into the specified SafeHtmlBuilder.

      Subclasses can optionally throw an UnsupportedOperationException if they prefer to render the rows in replaceAllChildren(List, SafeHtml) and replaceChildren(List, int, SafeHtml). In this case, the SafeHtml argument will be null. Though a bit hacky, this is designed to supported legacy widgets that use SafeHtmlBuilder, and newer widgets that use other builders, such as the ElementBuilder API.

      sb - the SafeHtmlBuilder to render into
      values - the row values
      start - the absolute start index of the values
      selectionModel - the SelectionModel
      UnsupportedOperationException - if the values will be rendered in replaceAllChildren(List, SafeHtml) and replaceChildren(List, int, SafeHtml)
    • replaceAllChildren

      protected void replaceAllChildren(List<T> values, SafeHtml html)
      Replace all children with the specified html.
      values - the values of the new children
      html - the html to render, or null if renderRowValues(SafeHtmlBuilder, List, int, SelectionModel) throws an UnsupportedOperationException
    • replaceChildren

      protected void replaceChildren(List<T> values, int start, SafeHtml html)
      Convert the specified HTML into DOM elements and replace the existing elements starting at the specified index. If the number of children specified exceeds the existing number of children, the remaining children should be appended.
      values - the values of the new children
      start - the start index to be replaced, relative to the page start
      html - the html to render, or null if renderRowValues(SafeHtmlBuilder, List, int, SelectionModel) throws an UnsupportedOperationException
    • resetFocusOnCell

      protected abstract boolean resetFocusOnCell()
      Reset focus on the currently focused cell.
      true if focus is taken, false if not
    • setFocusable

      protected void setFocusable(Element elem, boolean focusable)
      Make an element focusable or not.
      elem - the element
      focusable - true to make focusable, false to make unfocusable
    • setKeyboardSelected

      protected abstract void setKeyboardSelected(int index, boolean selected, boolean stealFocus)
      Update an element to reflect its keyboard selected state.
      index - the index of the element
      selected - true if selected, false if not
      stealFocus - true if the row should steal focus, false if not
    • setSelected

      @Deprecated protected void setSelected(Element elem, boolean selected)
      this method is never called by AbstractHasData, render the selected styles in renderRowValues(SafeHtmlBuilder, List, int, SelectionModel)
      Update an element to reflect its selected state.
      elem - the element to update
      selected - true if selected, false if not
    • addValueChangeHandler

      final HandlerRegistration addValueChangeHandler(ValueChangeHandler<List<T>> handler)
      Add a ValueChangeHandler that is called when the display values change. Used by CellBrowser to detect when the displayed data changes.
      handler - the handler
      a HandlerRegistration to remove the handler
    • adopt

      void adopt(Widget child)
      Adopt the specified widget.
      child - the child to adopt
    • doAttach

      void doAttach(Widget child)
      Attach a child.
      child - the child to attach
    • doDetach

      void doDetach(Widget child)
      Detach a child.
      child - the child to detach
    • getPresenter

      HasDataPresenter<T> getPresenter()
    • showOrHide

      void showOrHide(Element element, boolean show)
      Show or hide an element.
      element - the element
      show - true to show, false to hide