Class DelegatingChangeListenerCollection

All Implemented Interfaces:
ChangeListener, Serializable, Cloneable, Iterable<ChangeListener>, Collection<ChangeListener>, EventListener, List<ChangeListener>, RandomAccess, SequencedCollection<ChangeListener>

@Deprecated public class DelegatingChangeListenerCollection extends ChangeListenerCollection implements ChangeListener
ChangeListenerCollection used to correctly hook up listeners which need to listen to events from another source.

For example, Composite widgets often need to listen to events generated on their wrapped widget. Upon the firing of a wrapped widget's event, the composite widget must fire its own listeners with itself as the source of the event. To use a DelegatingChangeListenerCollection, simply use the DelegatingChangeListenerCollection instead of a ChangeListenerCollection. For example, in SuggestBox, the following code is used to listen to change events on the SuggestBox's underlying widget.

  public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener listener) {
    if (changeListeners == null) {
      changeListeners = new DelegatingChangeListenerCollection(this, box);
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • onChange

      public void onChange(Widget sender)
      Description copied from interface: ChangeListener
      Fired when a widget changes, where 'change' is defined by the widget sending the event.
      Specified by:
      onChange in interface ChangeListener
      sender - the widget that has changed