Class RootPanel

All Implemented Interfaces:
HasAttachHandlers, HasHandlers, EventListener, HasVisibility, HasWidgets, HasWidgets.ForIsWidget, IndexedPanel, IndexedPanel.ForIsWidget, InsertPanel, InsertPanel.ForIsWidget, IsWidget, Iterable<Widget>

public class RootPanel extends AbsolutePanel
The panel to which all other widgets must ultimately be added. RootPanels are never created directly. Rather, they are accessed via get() .

Most applications will add widgets to the default root panel in their EntryPoint.onModuleLoad() methods.

  • Method Details

    • detachNow

      public static void detachNow(Widget widget)
      Marks a widget as detached and removes it from the detach list.

      If an element belonging to a widget originally passed to detachOnWindowClose(Widget) has been removed from the document, calling this method will cause it to be marked as detached immediately. Failure to do so will keep the widget from being garbage collected until the page is unloaded.

      This method may only be called per widget, and only for widgets that were originally passed to detachOnWindowClose(Widget).

      widget - the widget that no longer needs to be cleaned up when the page closes
      See Also:
    • detachOnWindowClose

      public static void detachOnWindowClose(Widget widget)
      Adds a widget to the detach list. This is the list of widgets to be detached when the page unloads.

      This method must be called for all widgets that have no parent widgets. These are most commonly RootPanels, but can also be any widget used to wrap an existing element on the page. Failing to do this may cause these widgets to leak memory. This method is called automatically by widgets' wrap methods (e.g. Button.wrap(

      This method may not be called on any widget whose element is contained in another widget. This is to ensure that the DOM and Widget hierarchies cannot get into an inconsistent state.

      widget - the widget to be cleaned up when the page closes
      See Also:
    • get

      public static RootPanel get()
      Gets the default root panel. This panel wraps the body of the browser's document. This root panel can contain any number of widgets, which will be laid out in their natural HTML ordering. Many applications, however, will add a single panel to the RootPanel to provide more structure.
      the default RootPanel
    • get

      public static RootPanel get(String id)
      Gets the root panel associated with a given browser element. For this to work, the HTML document into which the application is loaded must have specified an element with the given id.
      id - the id of the element to be wrapped with a root panel ( null specifies the default instance, which wraps the <body> element)
      the root panel, or null if no such element was found
    • getBodyElement

      public static Element getBodyElement()
      Convenience method for getting the document's body element.
      the document's body element
    • isInDetachList

      public static boolean isInDetachList(Widget widget)
      Determines whether the given widget is in the detach list.
      widget - the widget to be checked
      true if the widget is in the detach list
    • detachWidgets

      static void detachWidgets()
    • clear

      @Deprecated public void clear(boolean clearDom)
      Simply removing all DOM elements can cause issues with other elements in the page.
      Clears the rootPanel. If clearDom is true, then also remove any DOM elements that are not widgets.

      By default Panel.clear() will only remove children that are GWT widgets. This method also provides the option to remove all children including the non-widget DOM elements that are directly added (e.g. elements added via getElement().appendChild(...).

      clearDom - if true this method will also remove any DOM elements that are not widgets.