Uses of Package
Packages that use
Classes used to implement app navigation.
Classes for HTML Canvas 2D support.
User interface components for the bean editor framework.
User interface adapters for the bean editor framework.
Log handlers and related classes for java.util.logging support in GWT.
Widgets for HTML Audio and Video support.
The "cellview" widget set.
Widgets, Panels, and other user-interface classes.
The date picker widget and associated types.
Classes in used by widget that implements this interface can receive keyboard focus.Abstract base class for most widgets that can receive keyboard focus.A widget that implements this interface can be put in an "enabled" or "disabled" state.Deprecated.Implemented by objects that have the visibility trait.Extended by view interfaces that are likely to be implemented by Widgets.Deprecated.use
insteadThe superclass for all user-interface objects.The base class for the majority of user-interface objects. -
Classes in used by widget that implements this interface can be put in an "enabled" or "disabled" state.Horizontal alignment constant.
Classes in used by type of widget that can wrap another widget, hiding the wrapped widget's methods.Implemented by objects that have the visibility trait.An interface for UI elements that can be built by first generating a piece of HTML and afterwards wrapping a root widget.Extended by view interfaces that are likely to be implemented by Widgets.Base class for panels that contain only one widget.The superclass for all user-interface objects.Abstract base class for all text entry widgets.The base class for the majority of user-interface objects.
Classes in used by object that implements this interface contains text, which can be set and retrieved using these methods.Abstract base class for all text entry widgets.
Classes in used by by displays that can be given accept an
to show.AWidget
that uses an animation should implement this class so users can enable or disable animations.Implemented by panels that have only one widget.Implemented by objects that have the visibility trait.A widget that implements this interface containswidgets
and can enumerate them.Extends this interface with convenience methods to handleIsWidget
.Extended by view interfaces that are likely to be implemented by Widgets.Abstract base class for all panels, which are widgets that can contain other widgets.A panel that can "pop up" over other widgets.Base class for panels that contain only one widget.Deprecated.useHasCloseHandlers
insteadThe superclass for all user-interface objects.The base class for the majority of user-interface objects. -
Classes in used by widget that implements this interface can receive keyboard focus.Abstract base class for most widgets that can receive keyboard focus.A widget that implements this interface can be put in an "enabled" or "disabled" state.Deprecated.Use
insteadImplemented by objects that have the visibility trait.Extended by view interfaces that are likely to be implemented by Widgets.Deprecated.useHasClickHandlers
insteadThe superclass for all user-interface objects.The base class for the majority of user-interface objects. -
Classes in used by
Classes in used by type of widget that can wrap another widget, hiding the wrapped widget's methods.A widget that implements this interface can receive keyboard focus.A widget that implements this interface has an intrinsic alignment which can be manipulated using these methods and constants.A
that uses an animation should implement this class so users can enable or disable animations.Characteristic interface which indicates that a widget can be aligned horizontally.Possible return values forHasHorizontalAlignment.getHorizontalAlignment()
, and parameter values forHasHorizontalAlignment.setHorizontalAlignment(
to allow the value to be pulled back out, and to throwValueChangeEvent
events.Characteristic interface which indicates that a widget has an associated vertical alignment.Horizontal alignment constant.Implemented by objects that have the visibility trait.An interface for UI elements that can be built by first generating a piece of HTML and afterwards wrapping a root widget.Extended by view interfaces that are likely to be implemented by Widgets.This tag interface specifies that the implementing widget will callRequiresResize.onResize()
on its children whenever their size may have changed.This interface designates that its implementor needs to be informed whenever its size is modified.The superclass for all user-interface objects.The base class for the majority of user-interface objects. -
Classes in used by absolute panel positions all of its children absolutely, allowing them to overlap.An opaque representation of a particular image such that the image can be accessed either as an HTML fragment or as an
object.This corresponds to the top Element of the DOM structure created byAbstractImagePrototype.createElement()
.Abstract parent class for scrollbars implemented using the native browser scrollbars.Implemented by displays that can be given accept anIsWidget
to show.A widget that represents a simple <a> element.Specifies that a panel can animate between layouts.The command to execute when iterating through child widgets.A standard push-button widget.Implementation class without browser-specific hacks.A panel whose child widgets are contained within the cells of a table.Deprecated.As of GWT 1.6, DOM and logical change events are separate.Deprecated.Widgets should now manage their own handlers viaWidget.addDomHandler(H,<H>)
A standard check box widget.Deprecated.UseClickHandler
insteadDeprecated.As of GWT 1.6, call
to manage handlers for your widget insteadaddDomHandler
(myHandler, ClickEvent.getType())Abstract base class for panels that can contain multiple child widgets.A type of widget that can wrap another widget, hiding the wrapped widget's methods.CustomButton is a base button class with built in support for a set number of button faces.Represents a button's face.A ClientBundle of resources used by this widget.Styles used by this widget.A panel that displays all of its child widgets in a 'deck', where only one can be visible at a time.APopupPanel
that wraps its content in a 3x3 grid, which allows users to add rounded corners.Set of characteristic interfaces supported by theDialogBox
caption.A helper class for displaying bidi (i.e.Deprecated.UseCloseEvent
insteadA widget that consists of a header and a content panel that discloses the content when a user clicks on the header.Deprecated.A panel that lays its child widgets out "docked" at its outer edges, and allows its last widget to take up the remaining space in its center.Used inDockLayoutPanel.addEast(Widget, double)
et al to specify the direction in which a child widget will be added.DockPanel layout constant, used inDockPanel.add(Widget, DockPanel.DockLayoutConstant)
.A widget that wraps the HTML <input type='file'> element.Provides widgets to the iterator.Deprecated.UseHasOpenHandlers
insteadDeprecated.This interface was specific toFormPanel
; it is not generally useful and will be removed in a future version.Deprecated.UseHasSelectionHandlers
instead.FlexTable-specific implementation ofHTMLTable.CellFormatter
.A widget that implements this interface can receive keyboard focus.Deprecated.UseFocusHandler
insteadDeprecated.Widgets should now manage their own handlers viaWidget.addDomHandler(H,<H>)
Abstract base class for most widgets that can receive keyboard focus.Deprecated.UseFormPanel.SubmitCompleteHandler
insteadA panel that wraps its contents in an HTML <FORM> element.Fired when a form has been submitted successfully.Handler forFormPanel.SubmitCompleteEvent
events.Fired when the form is submitted.Handler forFormPanel.SubmitEvent
events.Event object containing information about form submission events.Event object containing information about form submission events.A widget that wraps an IFRAME element, which can contain an arbitrary web site.A widget that implements this interface has an intrinsic alignment which can be manipulated using these methods and constants.AWidget
that uses an animation should implement this class so users can enable or disable animations.A widget that implements this interface can be configured to be aligned according to its contents' direction, in addition to the static alignment options offered byHasHorizontalAlignment
.Implemented by widgets that pick from a set of values.An object that implements this interface contains html that has a direction.An object that implements this interface contains html that has a direction.An object that implements this interface contains text that has a direction.A widget that implements this interface can be put in an "enabled" or "disabled" state.Deprecated.UseFocusable
insteadCharacteristic interface which indicates that a widget can be aligned horizontally.Type for values defined and used inHasAutoHorizontalAlignment
.Possible return values forHasHorizontalAlignment.getHorizontalAlignment()
, and parameter values forHasHorizontalAlignment.setHorizontalAlignment(
.Implemented by widgets that support horizontal scrolling.An object that implements this interface contains text, which can be set and retrieved using these methods.A widget that implements this interface has a 'name' associated with it, allowing it to be used withFormPanel
.Implemented by panels that have only one widget.Implemented by widgets that support scrolling.An object that implements this interface contains text, which can be set and retrieved using these methods.A widget that implements this interface containsitems
and can operate them.Extends this interface with convenience methods to handleIsWidget
to allow the value to be pulled back out, and to throwValueChangeEvent
events.Characteristic interface which indicates that a widget has an associated vertical alignment.Horizontal alignment constant.Implemented by widgets that support vertical scrolling.Implemented by objects that have the visibility trait.A widget that implements this interface containswidgets
and can enumerate them.Extends this interface with convenience methods to handleIsWidget
.A widget that implements this interface has a 'word-wrap' property that can be manipulated using these methods.Represents a hidden field in an HTML form.Describes a horizontal scrollbar.Deprecated.The default resources used by this widget.Deprecated.replaced byHorizontalSplitPanel.Resources
.A widget that can contain arbitrary HTML.A panel that contains HTML, and which can attach child widgets to identified elements within that HTML.Return value forHTMLTable.getCellForEvent(
.This class contains methods used to format a table's cells.This class contains methods used to format a table's columns.This class contains methods used to format a table's rows.A widget that serves as an "internal" hyperlink.A widget that displays the image at a given URL.Deprecated.replaced byClientBundle
Deprecated.Explicitly specifies a file name or path to the image resource to be associated with a method in anImageBundle
.Implemented by panels that impose an explicit ordering on their children.Extends this interface with convenience methods to handleIsWidget
.A widget that can contain arbitrary HTML.A widget that contains arbitrary text, not interpreted as HTML.Implemented byIndexedPanel
s that also allow insertions.Extends this interface with convenience methods to handleIsWidget
.An interface for UI elements that can be built by first generating a piece of HTML and afterwards wrapping a root widget.Extended by objects which have underlyingTreeItem
.Extended by view interfaces that are likely to be implemented by Widgets.Deprecated.Deprecated.Widgets should now manage their own handlers viaWidget.addDomHandler(H,<H>)
A widget that contains arbitrary text, not interpreted as HTML.Abstract base class for all text display widgets.A widget that presents a list of choices to the user, either as a list box or as a drop-down list.Deprecated.will be removed in GWT 2.7 with the handler listeners themselvesDeprecated.will be removed in GWT 2.0 along with the listeners being wrappedDeprecated.will be removed in GWT 2.0 along with the listeners being wrappedDeprecated.Wrapper for aFocusListener
.Deprecated.Wrapper for aKeyboardListener
.Deprecated.Wrapper for aLoadListener
.Deprecated.will be removed in GWT 2.0 along with the listeners being wrappedDeprecated.Wrapper for aMouseListener
.Deprecated.Wrapper for aMouseWheelListener
.Deprecated.Wrapper for aScrollListener
insteadA standard menu bar widget.Deprecated.replaced byMenuBar.Resources
A ClientBundle that contains the default resources for this widget.An entry in aMenuBar
.A separator that can be placed in aMenuBar
, andMouseOutHandler
insteadSuggestion class forMultiWordSuggestOracle
that has a 'name' associated with it.A ClientBundle of resources used by this widget.Styles used by this widget.A ClientBundle of resources used by this widget.Styles used by this widget.Client bundle used in the uibinder template.Style used in uibinder template.Abstract base class for all panels, which are widgets that can contain other widgets.A text box that visually masks its input to prevent eavesdropping.Deprecated.useCloseHandler
insteadA panel that can "pop up" over other widgets.The type of animation to use when opening the popup.A callback that is used to set the position of aPopupPanel
right before it is shown.AnAnimation
used to enlarge the popup into view.EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change.A prefix tree (aka trie).This tag interface specifies that the implementing widget will callRequiresResize.onResize()
on its children whenever their size may have changed.Used byIsRenderable
to mark their root element in such a way that they can be later retrieved.This interface designates that its implementor needs to be informed whenever its size is modified.AComposite
implementation that implementsRequiresResize
and automatically delegates that interface's methods to its wrapped widget, which must itself implementRequiresResize
.Implementation of resize event.Delegate event handler.Deprecated.useRichTextArea.Formatter
insteadFont size enumeration.This interface is used to access full formatting options, when available.Justification enumeration.A singleton implementation ofLayoutPanel
that always attaches itself to the document body (i.e.The panel to which all other widgets must ultimately be added.Implementation of scrolling behavior.Deprecated.useScrollHandler
insteadA simple panel that wraps its contents in a scrollable area.A simple checkbox widget, with no label.Base class for panels that contain only one widget.A simple radio button widget, with no label.Deprecated.we have now separated dom and logical change events.Deprecated.useHasClickHandlers
instead, but understand that it is not a drop in replacement for this class.A panel that stacks its children vertically, displaying only one at a time, with a header for each child which the user can click to display.ASuggestBox
is a text box or text area which displays a pre-configured set of selections that match the user's input.The callback used when a user selects aSuggestOracle.Suggestion
.Used to display suggestions to the user.Event object containing information about the selection of aSuggestOracle.Suggestion
displayed by aSuggestBox
can be used to create suggestions associated with a specific query string.Callback forSuggestOracle
response.Suggestion supplied by theSuggestOracle
.A horizontal bar of folder-style tabs, most commonly used as part of aTabPanel
.Set of characteristic interfaces supported byTabBar
tabs.Deprecated.A panel that represents a tabbed set of pages, each of which contains another widget.A text box that allows multiple lines of text to be entered.A standard single-line text box.Abstract base class for most text entry widgets.Deprecated.A standard hierarchical tree widget.There are several ways of configuring images for the Tree widget due to deprecated APIs.A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.Deprecated.replaced byTree.Resources
.An item that can be contained within aTree
.Deprecated.The superclass for all user-interface objects.The implementation of the set debug id method, which does nothing by default.A text box able to parse its displayed value.Abstract base class for all text entry widgets.Alignment values forValueBoxBase.setAlignment(
.A label displaying its value through a renderer.Allows the user to pick a single value from a list.Describes a vertical scrollbar.Deprecated.The default resources used by this widget.Deprecated.replaced byVerticalSplitPanel.Resources
.The base class for the majority of user-interface objects.A simple collection of widgets to be used bypanels
. -
Classes in used by type of widget that can wrap another widget, hiding the wrapped widget's methods.A rectangular grid that can contain text, html, or a child
within its cells.A widget that implements this interface can be put in an "enabled" or "disabled" state.ExtendsTakesValue
to allow the value to be pulled back out, and to throwValueChangeEvent
events.Implemented by objects that have the visibility trait.A widget that implements this interface containswidgets
and can enumerate them.Extends this interface with convenience methods to handleIsWidget
.An interface for UI elements that can be built by first generating a piece of HTML and afterwards wrapping a root widget.Extended by view interfaces that are likely to be implemented by Widgets.A widget that presents a list of choices to the user, either as a list box or as a drop-down list.Abstract base class for all panels, which are widgets that can contain other widgets.Deprecated.useHasClickHandlers
instead.A standard single-line text box.The superclass for all user-interface objects.The base class for the majority of user-interface objects.